Do Gloves Impact Your Work and Health?

Two blue medical latex gloved hands palms out fingers spread

While essential to ensure safety, wearing these items can sometimes be uncomfortable and annoying. But given their necessity, is there a way to make the oftentimes prolonged wearing of gloves less unwieldy? We think so. And if you’ve been impacted by Sweaty Palm Syndrome or have a new respect for those quietly battling the itch […]

What is a Level 4 Biosafety Laboratory?


In a headline image a floodlit cruise ship sits somberly in dock. In the foreground, buses ferrying passengers across the tarmac vanish into the dark Yokohama night. Flashing lights cast a red glow onto the metal fences separating the liner from the port, illuminating the quiet drama playing out under sodium lights. Absent from the […]

Cleanroom News: Top 10 Articles of 2017

top 10

Last year, we dipped our corporate toes into the pool of industry analysis, tentatively creating articles that we thought might be of interest to our customers, partners, and the broader contamination control community. We expected that only a handful of readers would return week after week to see what scientific curiosity had caught the eye […]

How Mussel-Glue Is Transforming The Field Of Fetal Surgery


In our high-tech age where each generation is glued to a screen – texting, surfing, Instagramming, Snap-Chatting, tweeting – it’s refreshing to reflect back on earlier times. To recall the low-tech pastimes that did not rely on zeroes and ones, bits and bytes, but more on the innocence of childish wonder and learning. We’re thinking […]

What do microfiber wipes, van der Waals forces, cell phones and geckos have in common?

Fingers of Gecko on glass

While checking into the best ways to clean our cellphones last weekend, we stumbled across a couple of articles on that most adorable of creatures, the gecko. Despite oftentimes heroic and diligent attempts at staying on topic, we disappeared rather rapidly down a rabbit hole of intriguing herpetological pablum, learning that those creatures, so beloved […]

Is Copper the Next Big Step in the Fight Against Microbial Contamination?

piece of copper on periodic table of elements

We live in the passive age – passive income, passive aggression, passive cleaning. Wait? Passive cleaning? How’s that possible? A cursory glance along the aisles of any grocery store will reveal the bewildering array of cleaning products – sprays, anti-microbial cloths, scrubs, crèmes, rinses, and more – targeting the not-so-passive germophobe shopper. And this is […]
