In the cleanroom environment, there is none more popular than isopropyl alcohol. It wields great power and has many useful qualities. According to strict definition from, ‘alcohols are among the most common organic compounds.
Throughout human history, we have searched for ways to prolong our lives. Whether it be through cleaner living, exercise, scientific advancement, or improved diet, humans are a species in perpetual search for an elixir of life, a fountain of eternal youth. And this impulse makes it into our history and cultural mythos in myriad forms, […]
In a headline image a floodlit cruise ship sits somberly in dock. In the foreground, buses ferrying passengers across the tarmac vanish into the dark Yokohama night. Flashing lights cast a red glow onto the metal fences separating the liner from the port, illuminating the quiet drama playing out under sodium lights. Absent from the […]
There are few things more iconic than a Ball Mason Jar. Beloved of homesteaders, canning fans, and smoothie-swigging hipsters alike, the dumpy glass jars with their two-part metal lids are – dare we say it? – screwed firmly into place in our society. Since its invention in the mid-1900s by John Landis Mason, the eponymous […]
Welcome to 2020! A new year and a new decade that’s ripe with possibility and opportunity. A time to take stock, change life up a little (or a lot), and refocus on priorities. Maybe for you it’s a renewed commitment to better health? More conscious curation of your social media stream? Or perhaps it’s that […]
Happy New Year and welcome to 2020! Following the celebrations of ‘The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,’ you’ll be forgiven for experiencing ‘The Most Hungover Time of the (New) Year.’ Let’s face it – who did not overindulge during the holidays? So if you need a few minutes of peace and quiet to nurse […]
Back in 2011, a ‘wild card’ movie based on The Dark Fields, a science fiction novel by Alan Glynn, hit the box office to unexpected success. Grossing more than $160 million on a slender $27 million budget and starring Hollywood icons Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper, the narrative follows writer Eddie Morra as he […]
Now that the poolside grill-fest that is Memorial Day is behind us, it’s time for a pop quiz to jolt us out of our carb-induced somnolence. So here’s a question: what do semiconductors, LEDs, solar panels, and diamonds have in common? Take a moment, we’ll be right here waiting… No, it’s not that they’re all […]
If it’s been a long week already perhaps you’re in the mood for a little light relief for your Thursday. So here’s a quick quiz to see whether you – our readers – pay as much attention to broader culture as you do to news from within our industry. So without further ado, here’s our […]
What do we talk about when we talk about Apple? Perhaps it is no longer surprising that the devices and consumables that most readily spring to mind when we hear of the 11th most profitable company in the world (behind a spill of oil producers, Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway, and the perennial love-to-hate behemoth, […]