It is hard to dispute that we are indeed finding ourselves living in ‘interesting times.’ With the financial markets fluctuating wildly, states revising their plans to re-open seemingly on an hourly basis as daily COVID-19 statistics look increasingly more grim, the unemployment rate skyrocketing, and racial tensions almost at boiling point, it is unsurprising that […]
As we know, frequent cleaning and sanitation are two of the main keys to staying safe in this new reality of COVID-19. But conscientiously washing our hands and being mindful of social distancing are only part of the solution. As much as we strive to minimize contact with the outside world, we still have to […]
With the world in lockdown, some fortunate folks are finding luxuriously creative ways to enjoy this period of enforced self-isolation. Take David Geffen, for instance. The multi-billionaire who founded Geffen Records and DreamWorks Pictures, is currently quarantining aboard his 450ft yacht somewhere in the Caribbean, presumably with a full crew to ensure that surfaces are […]
With the global situation as it is right now, flicking on the TV, tuning into the radio, or scrolling through a social media feed is enough to send most of us into a tailspin. Between being quarantined and socially distant, home schooling kids in addition to full-time work, fears about job security or the latest […]
It is the stuff of science fiction and of conspiracy theory. Brain-implantable chips that monitor our health, overcome physical limitations, improve memory, or track us, control our thoughts and manipulate our actions. Or even change the way we perceive and interact with reality. A technology to improve the lives of those living with a disability […]
Homeopathic Medicine Students of British history will no doubt recall the highs and lows of the Royal Family, that patrilineal dynasty that has ruled the island and the later ‘Empire’ seemingly forever. The institution of the Monarchy has long been the subject of debate and discussion with royalists clashing…well, royally…with abolitionists, who increasingly view the […]
Back in February, we published an article about developments in Israel’s private space program. ‘Sending ‘Selfies’ from the Moon’ turned out to spark a great deal of enthusiasm on the part of readers for the renewed interest in the cold and lonely satellite we first visited in 1969. Beresheet, which as you’ll recall means ‘Genesis’ […]
You are polymaths, all of you! Once again this year, you -our readers – have shown us the breadth and diversity of your interests,passions, and expertise. The most-read articles during 2018 range from piece onbio-medical printing to nanotechnology, augmented reality to cleanroom beer. We’ve presented research on state-of-the-art materials, pioneering technologies, and out-of-this-world engineering and […]
From Disney to Microsoft, NASA to MIT, corporations and institutions large and small are increasingly reviving their interest in haptic technologies, whether pursuing the edge on the next generation of smartphones, adding a piece into the puzzle of augmented reality, or engineering a robot hand that can both collect soil samples on Mars and […]
In his frequently hilarious and always engaging 2006 travelogue, Getting Stoned with Savages: A Trip Through the Islands of Fiji and Vanuatu, memoirist J. Maarten Troost describes his multi-year sojourn in a culture that kicks back after a long day’s spear fishing in the Pacific island sun with a rather unique herbal beverage. Think of […]
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