Sometimes it is tempting to think that the science of the cleanroom is all about lunar landings and semi-conductors. But the reality is that the spectrum of research conducted in contamination-controlled environments is much broader and cannot be confined to the traditional silos of heavy engineering or silicon-wafer technology. Take, for example, the innovations around […]
Homeopathic Medicine Students of British history will no doubt recall the highs and lows of the Royal Family, that patrilineal dynasty that has ruled the island and the later ‘Empire’ seemingly forever. The institution of the Monarchy has long been the subject of debate and discussion with royalists clashing…well, royally…with abolitionists, who increasingly view the […]
India. A continent of extremes. To some, it’s an enchanted land where outrageous wealth lives alongside extraordinary poverty. One in which breathtaking natural beauty co-exists with massive urban decay. India is a nation where a deep-rooted mystical tradition does little to slow the drumbeat of technological advancement. Home to the largest supplier of generic pharmaceuticals […]
Despite continued controversy as to the exact reasons for the change, it remains a scientific fact that the weather – indeed the climate as a whole – appears to be changing. The old norms of the cool north and sweltering south are rapidly being replaced on a hitherto unprecedented level. News last week from France […]
Now that the poolside grill-fest that is Memorial Day is behind us, it’s time for a pop quiz to jolt us out of our carb-induced somnolence. So here’s a question: what do semiconductors, LEDs, solar panels, and diamonds have in common? Take a moment, we’ll be right here waiting… No, it’s not that they’re all […]
Can we have a show of hands for those whose oral health is such that they have never had a cavity, a crown, a root canal, or an extraction? Hmm….not seeing many hands going up right now. And that’s not surprising. Few of us are fortunate enough to avoid the excruciating anxiety of that long […]
Back in February, we published an article about developments in Israel’s private space program. ‘Sending ‘Selfies’ from the Moon’ turned out to spark a great deal of enthusiasm on the part of readers for the renewed interest in the cold and lonely satellite we first visited in 1969. Beresheet, which as you’ll recall means ‘Genesis’ […]
If it’s been a long week already perhaps you’re in the mood for a little light relief for your Thursday. So here’s a quick quiz to see whether you – our readers – pay as much attention to broader culture as you do to news from within our industry. So without further ado, here’s our […]
When Berkshire wrote Kicking Back with Kratom and Salmonella our main focus was clearly salmonella poisoning. “As of March 18, 2018, more than fifty cases of salmonella have been identified by the CDC across 27 states with patients ranging in age from 67 down to just 6 years old. Sixty percent of the affected were male […]
Let’s face it, no-one is getting any younger. Even the fittest, most active and health-conscious among us will confront a health challenge at some point in our life and, as we age, those concerns tend to become more complex and require more careful treatment. Where youngsters can get away with the trauma of the occasional […]