What is a Level 4 Biosafety Laboratory?


In a headline image a floodlit cruise ship sits somberly in dock. In the foreground, buses ferrying passengers across the tarmac vanish into the dark Yokohama night. Flashing lights cast a red glow onto the metal fences separating the liner from the port, illuminating the quiet drama playing out under sodium lights. Absent from the […]

Are We Weaponizing Space?

Are you being watched?

German analytical psychologist and father of Jungian theory Carl Jung was the first to coin the term ‘synchronicity,’ a concept that understood coincident yet unrelated events that happen at one time as being meaningfully related. In his 1977 text Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal: Key Readings, the psychologist noted: ‘When coincidences pile up in […]

From Mason Jars to Satellite Imaging


There are few things more iconic than a Ball Mason Jar. Beloved of homesteaders, canning fans, and smoothie-swigging hipsters alike, the dumpy glass jars with their two-part metal lids are – dare we say it? – screwed firmly into place in our society. Since its invention in the mid-1900s by John Landis Mason, the eponymous […]
