How Photon Sails Are Powering CubeSats Across the Final Frontier

How Photon Sails Are Powering CubeSats Across the Final Frontier

For readers who keep up to date with new issues in psychology (we know, but bear with us…) a recent discussion of megalophobia must have been of some interest. Megalophobia is a disorder defined as the fear of large objects, or objects that are perceived as being larger than they ‘should’ be. An example could […]

How the ‘Hidden’ Internet May Be Causing Injury and Death


Habits can be hard to break. That impulse purchase that breaks our budget, that extra slice of pizza despite our diets, that glass of wine to relax on a Friday evening. Whatever the form of our own personal kryptonite, habitual behaviors are a sort of neural wiring and as such ingrained and a real challenge […]

Will Hayabusa-2 Reveal the Secrets of the Origin of the Universe?

National flag of Japan on clear blue sky

Recently there has been much talk about the process and ethics of moving materials that may be subject to later analysis and scrutiny into ‘secure storage.’ But the quarantining of assets such as, shall we say ‘electronic data,’ is not the only target of enhanced protection and safeguarding. In fact, around 195 million miles from […]
