An Infinite Resource – Could Solar Power and Battery Storage Offer Real-World Solutions for Our Increasing Energy Needs?

solar panel manufacturing

What do self-driving cars have in common with solar power? If you were hoping we’d be announcing the development of a car that runs purely on the power of the sun you are a more optimistic reader than we’d imagined! Perhaps one day we’ll be able to bring you that kind of news but, for […]

The Tentacles of Innovation – Is the Future of Robotics Going Soft?


Octopuses are mysterious and frankly quite bizarre creatures. Invertebrates of the phylum Mollusca (molluscs) and the class Cephalopod, they are neurologically advanced aquatic animals which have existed since the Carboniferous era some 300 million years ago. And given that history, octopuses – and their close cousins the squid and the cuttlefish – have a long […]

Could Neuroprosthetics Offer Hope to Patients with Spinal Cord Trauma?


It has to be said: the human body is an amazing and ingenious piece of biological equipment. When it suffers an incision, it self-heals; when it is damaged, it can – at times – regenerate. And when its central command control – the brain – is impaired, it will oftentimes re-route communications via different parts […]
